McDonnell Douglas F-15E-46-MC "Strike Eagle" - 4th Fighter Wing (4th FW) - Commemorate the "Debden Eagles" squadrons of the 4th Fighter Group WWII
18 Mai 2023 Publié dans #Special marking
Décoration spéciale "Heritage Flight" appliquée sur plusieurs McDonnell Douglas F-15E-46-MC "Strike Eagle" du 4th Fighter Wing (4th FW) des 333th Fighter Squadron (333th FS) "Lancers", 3345th Fighter Squadron (334th FS) "Fighting Eagles", 335th Fighter Squadron (335th FS) "Chiefs" et 336th Fighter Squadron (336th FS) "Rocketeers" de l' US Air Force (USAF) basé à Seymour Johnson AFB - North Carolina avec une décoration spéciale pour commémorer les "Debden Eagles" squadrons du 4th Fighter Group basé à RAF Debden pendant la WWII.
Special decoration "Heritage Flight" applied to more McDonnell Douglas F-15E-46-MC "Strike Eagle" of the 4th Fighter Wing (4th FW) of the 333th Fighter Squadron (333th FS) "Lancers", 334th Fighter Squadron (334th FS) "Fighting Eagles", 335th Fighter Squadron (335th FS) "Chiefs" and 336th Fighter Squadron (336th FS) "Rocketeers" of US Air Force (USAF) based to Seymour Johnson AFB - North Carolina with a special decoration to commemorate the "Debden Eagles" squadrons of the 4th Fighter Group based at RAF Debden during WWII
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