Raytheon T-1 Jayhawk - 71st Flying Training Wing (71FTW) - 3rd Flying Training Squadron (3FTS) "Jayhawks" - FAIP edition 2021
2 Juillet 2021 , Rédigé par Big Bear Publié dans #Special marking
Décoration spéciale appliquée sur un Raytheon T-1 Jayhawk du 71st Flying Training Wing (71FTW) - 3rd Flying Training Squadron (3FTS) "Jayhawks" de l'Armée de l'Air des Etats-Unis (USAF) basé à Vance Air Force Base et portant un marquage spécial "FAIP" (First Assignment Instructor Pilot) dans la dérive, dédié aux pilotes instructeurs de première affectation T-1.
Special decoration applied to a Raytheon T-1 Jayhawk of the Raytheon T-1 Jayhawk du 71st Flying Training Wing (71FTW) - 3rd Flying Training Squadron (3FTS) "Jayhawks" of the United States Air Force (USAF) based in Laughlin Air Force Base and bearing a special marking Team Vance heritage jet "FAIP" edition, dedicated to our T-1 first assignment instructor pilots
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