Hasegawa - Boeing KC-46 "Pegasus" - 157th Air Refueling Wing (157 ARW) - 133rd Air Refueling Squadron (133 ARS) - 400th anniversary of the founding of Portsmouth, New Hampshire
20 Décembre 2024 Publié dans #Decal News
La société Hasegawa a édité une boite de maquette pour réaliser la décoration spéciale "Spirit of Portsmouth" appliquée sur un Boeing KC-46 "Pegasus" du 157th Air Refueling Wing (157 ARW) - 133rd Air Refueling Squadron (133 ARS) du New Hampshire Air National Guard (NH ANG) de l'US Air National Guard (USANG) basé à Pease Air National Guard Base, Portsmouth, New Hampshire avec un marquage spécial "Live Free or Die - New Hampshire" commémorant le 75e anniversaire de l'US Air Force et le 400e anniversaire de la fondation de Portsmouth, New Hampshire
The Hasegawa society edited one box kit to accomplish the special decoration "Spirit of Portsmouth" applied to Boeing KC-46 "Pegasus" of the 157th Air Refueling Wing (157 ARW) - 133rd Air Refueling Squadron (133 ARS) of New Hampshire Air National Guard (NH ANG) of US Air National Guard (USANG) based to Pease Air National Guard Base, Portsmouth, New Hampshire with special marking "Live Free or Die - New Hampshire" commemorating the 75th anniversary of the United States Air Force and the 400th anniversary of the founding of Portsmouth, New Hampshire
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