General Dynamics F-16C-40TM "Fighting Falcon" - Turkish Air Force celebrate the 68th anniversary of its participation in NATO

Décoration spéciale appliquée sur General Dynamics F-16C-40TM "Fighting Falcon" de l'Armée de l'air Turque (Türk Hava Kuvvetleri) pour célébrer le 68° anniversaire de sa participation à l'OTAN
Special marking applied to General Dynamics F-16C-40TM "Fighting Falcon" of the Turkish Air Force (Türk Hava Kuvvetleri) to celebrate the 68th anniversary of its participation in NATO
McDonnell Douglas AV-8B+ Harrier II - VMA-311 "Tomcats" - CO bird 2019

Décoration spéciale appliquée sur un McDonnell Douglas AV-8B+ Harrier II du Marine Attack Squadron 311 (VMA-311) "Tomcats" du Marine Aircraft Group 13 (MAG 13) - 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing (3rdMAW) de l' US Marine Corps et basé à la MCAS Yuma et portant un marquage spécial sur l'avion du commandant du squadron en 2019.
Special marking applied to a McDonnell Douglas AV-8B+ Harrier II of the Marine Attack Squadron 311 (VMA-311) "Tomcats" of the Marine Aircraft Group 13 (MAG 13) - 3rd Marine Aircraft Wing (3rdMAW) of the US Marine Corps and based at MCAS Yuma and bearing a special mark on the aircraft of the squadron commanding officer in 2019.
ModelMaker - General Dynamics F-16AM block 15 - Esquadra 301 "Jaguares/Jaguars" - Tiger Meet 2006

La société ModelMaker Poland a édité une planche de decal pour réaliser la décoration spéciale appliquée sur un General Dynamics F-16AM block 15 du Esquadra 301 "Jaguares/Jaguars" de la Força Aérea Portuguesa (Portuguese Air Force) basé à BA5 Monte Real et portant un marquage spécial pour le Tiger Meet 2006 sur la base d'Albacete en Espagne.
The company ModelMaker Poland published a decal sheet to make the special decoration applied to a General Dynamics F-16AM block 15 of the Esquadra 301 "Jaguares / Jaguars" of the Força Aérea Portuguesa (Portuguese Air Force) based in BA5 Monte Real and bearing a special mark for he Tiger Meet 2006 in Albacete AB, Spain
General Dynamics F-16A Block 15 OCU - Skadron Udara 3 "Sarang Naga/ Dragon's Nest" - First flight F-16A Block 15 OCU

Décoration spéciale appliquée sur un General Dynamics F-16 C Block 52ID du Wing Udara 3 - 3rd Air Squadron / Skadron Udara 3 "Sarang Naga/ Dragon's Nest" de l' Indonesian Air Force / Tentara Nasional Indonesia basé à Madiun/Iswahyudi AB avec un nouveau shéma de peinture pour le premier vol après avoir réaliséé les programmes / mises à niveau Falcon Star et eMLU en 2020.
Special decoration applied to an General Dynamics F-16 C Block 52ID of the Wing Udara 3 - 3rd Air Squadron / Skadron Udara 3 "Sarang Naga/ Dragon's Nest" of the Indonesian Air Force / Tentara Nasional Indonesia based in Madiun/Iswahyudi AB with a new paint scheme for the first flight after it went through Falcon Star and eMLU programs/upgrades in 2020.
Aerospace Industrial Development Corporation (AIDC) AT-5 AJT (Advanced Jet Trainer) Yung Yin (Brave Eagle) - Official presentation in 2020

Décoration spéciale appliquée sur un Aerospace Industrial Development Corporation (AIDC) AT-5 AJT (Advanced Jet Trainer) Yung Yin (Brave Eagle) de la Force aérienne de la République de Chine / Chung-Hua Min Guo Kong Jun (ROCAF - Taiwan) basé à Taichung lors de sa présentation officielle en 2020.
Special marking applied to a Aerospace Industrial Development Corporation (AIDC) AT-5 AJT (Advanced Jet Trainer) Yung Yin (Brave Eagle) of the Republic Of China Air Force / Chung-Hua Min Guo Kong Jun (ROCAF - Taiwan) based at Taichung during its official presentation in 2020.
McDonnell Douglas F/A-18D "Hornet" - Marine All- Weather Fighter Attack Squadron 242 (VMFA(AW)-242) "Bats" - Commanding Officer (CO) aircraft 2020
Décoration spéciale appliquée sur un McDonnell Douglas F/A-18D "Hornet" du Marine All- Weather Fighter Attack Squadron 242 (VMFA(AW)-242) "Bats" - III Marine Expeditionary Force (III MEF) - Marine Aircraft Group 12 (MAG-12) - 1st Marine Aircraft Wing (1st MAW) de l' US Marine Corps basé à Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni et portant un marquage spécial sur l'avion du Commanding Officer (CO) en 2020 reprenant le logo du Marine Torpedo Bombing Squadron 242 (VMTB-242) créé le 15 septembre 1943 et volant sur TBM Avenger.
Special decoration applied to a McDonnell Douglas F/A-18D "Hornet" of Marine All- Weather Fighter Attack Squadron 242 (VMFA(AW)-242) "Bats" - III Marine Expeditionary Force (III MEF) - Marine Aircraft Group 12 (MAG-12) - 1st Marine Aircraft Wing (1st MAW) of the US Marine Corps based at Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni and bearing a special mark on the commanding officer plane (CO) in 2020 taking up the Navy logo Torpedo Bombing Squadron 242 (VMTB-242) created on September 15, 1943 and flying on TBM Avenger.
Lockheed C-130E "Hercules" - 12nci HUAÜ - 222 Filo "Alev (Flame)" - Her Zaman, Her Yerdé logo

Décoration spéciale appliquée sur un Lockheed C-130E "Hercules" du 12nci HUAÜ - 222 Filo "Alev (Flame)" de l'Armée de l'Air Turque (Türk Hava Kuvvetleri) basé à Kayseri/Erkilet AB avec une décoration spéciale "Her Zaman, Her Yerdé (A tout moment, n'importe où) en 2020.
Special decoration applied to Lockheed C-130E "Hercules" of the 12nci HUAÜ - 222 Filo "Alev (Flame)" of the Turkish Air force (Türk Hava Kuvvetleri) based in Kayseri/Erkilet AB with a special decoration "Her Zaman, Her Yerdé (Anytime, anywhere) in 2020
Raytheon T-1 "Jayhawk" - 71st Flying Training Wing (71 FTW) - 3rd Flying Training squadron (3 FTS) - Special marking heritage Curtiis P40 3rd Pursuit Squadron

Décoration spéciale appliquée sur un Raytheon T-1 "Jayhawk" du 71st Flying Training Wing (71 FTW) - 3rd Flying Training squadron (3 FTS) de l'US Air Force (USAF) basé à Vance Air Force Base avec marquage spécial héritage du 24e groupe de poursuite / 3e escadron de poursuite semblable à un Curtiss P-40 "Warhawk" stationné aux Philippines en 1940.
Special decoration applied to a Raytheon T-1 "Jayhawk" of the 71st Flying Training Wing (71 FTW) - 3rd Flying Training squadron (3 FTS) of the US Air Force (USAF) based in Vance Air Force Base with a special marking heritage of the 24th Pursuit Group/3rd Pursuit Squadron similar to a 1940 P-40 Warhawk stationed in the Philippines.
Mitsubishi UH-60J - Koku Sotai - Koku Kyunandan - Nyutabaru Kyunantai - 60th anniversary

Décoration spéciale appliquée sur un Mitsubishi UH-60J du Koku Sotai - Koku Kyunandan - Nyutabaru Kyunantai (Air Rescue Wing Nyutabaru Detachment) de la Force Aérienne d'Auto-Défense Japonaise (Japan Air Self-Defense Force - JASDF) basé à Nyutabaru AB et portant un marquage spécial pour fêter les 60 ans du squadron.
Special decoration applied to a Mitsubishi UH-60J of Koku Sotai - Koku Kyunandan - Nyutabaru Kyunantai (Air Rescue Wing Nyutabaru Detachment) of the Japan Air Self-Defense Force (JASDF) based in Nyutabaru AB and bearing a special mark to celebrate 60 years of the squadron.
Hasegawa - Mitsubishi RF-4J Phanthom Kaï - Teisatsu Kokutai - 501 Hikotaï - Final Year 1961/2020 - Tactical sheme

La société Hasegawa a édité une boite de maquette pour réaliser la décoration spéciale appliquée sur un Mitsubishi RF-4J Phanthom Kaï du Teisatsu Kokutai - 501 Hikotaï de la Japan Air Self-Defense Force (JASDF) basé à Hyakuri AB et portant un marquage spécial "Final Year 1961/2020" - Tactical sheme pour le retirement du Phantom dans cet escadron.
The Hasegawa society edited one box kit to accomplish the special decoration applied to a Mitsubishi RF-4J Phanthom Kaï of the Teisatsu Kokutai - 501 Hikotaï of Japan Air Self-Defense Forces (JASDF) based in Hyakuri AB and carrying a special marking "Final Year 1961/2020 - Tactical sheme" for the retirement of the Phantom in this squadron.