Boeing F/A-18E "Rhino" - Strike Fighter Squadron 97 (VFA-97) "Warhawks" - New CAG 2020

Décoration spéciale appliquée sur un Boeing F/A-18E "Rhino" du Strike Fighter Squadron 97 (VFA-97) "Warhawks" du Carrier Air Wing Eight (CVW-8) de l' United States Navy (USN) et basé à NAS Leemore et portant un nouveau shéma "Agressor" en 2020.
Special decoration applied to Boeing F/A-18F "Rhino" of Strike Fighter Squadron 97 (VFA-97) "Warhawks" of the Carrier Air Wing Eight (CVW-8) of US Navy (USN) and based in NAS Leemore and carrying new sheme "Agressor" squadron in 2020.
de Havilland Canada UV-18B "Twin Otter" - 98th Flying Training Squadron (98 FTS) - special painted in a WW II heritage color scheme

Décoration spéciale appliquée sur un de Havilland Canada UV-18B "Twin Otter" du Air Education and Training Command (AETC) - 306th Flying Training Group (306 FTG) - 98th Flying Training Squadron (98 FTS) de la Force aérienne des États-Unis (USAF) basé à Peterson Air Force Base avec une peinture spéciale dans un schéma de couleurs, héritage des Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress du 306th Bombardment Group de la Seconde Guerre mondiale.
Special decoration applied to a de Havilland Canada UV-18B "Twin Otter" of the Air Education and Training Command (AETC) - 306th Flying Training Group (306 FTG) - 98th Flying Training Squadron (98 FTS) of the United States Air Force in Peterson Air Force Base with special painted in a WW II heritage color scheme of Boeing B-17 Flying Fortress of 306th Bombardment Group.
McDonnell Douglas A/A-18C "Hornet" - Fliegergeschwader 13 - Fliegerstaffel 11 "Tigers" - Tiger Meet 2020

Décoration spéciale appliquée sur un McDonnell Douglas A/A-18C "Hornet" du Fliegergeschwader 13 - Fliegerstaffel 11 "Tigers" de la Force Aérienne Suisse (Schweizer Luftwaffe) basé à Meiringen AB pour le Tiger Meet 2020.
Special decoration applied to McDonnell Douglas HAS / A-18C "Hornet" of Fliegergeschwader 13 - Fliegerstaffel 11 "Tigers" of Swiss Air Force (Schweizer Luftwaffe) based in Meiringen AB for Tiger Meet on 2020.
General Atomics MQ-9 "Reaper" - 147th Attack Wing - Special marking 2020

Décoration spéciale appliquée sur un General Atomics MQ-9 "Reaper" du 147th Attack Wing (147 ATKW) - 111th Attack Squadron (111 ATKS) du Texas Air National Guard (TX ANG) de la Force aérienne des États-Unis (USAF) basé à Ellington Field Joint Reserve Base en 2020.
Special decoration applied to a General Atomics MQ-9 "Reaper" of 47th Attack Wing (147 ATKW) - 111th Attack Squadron (111 ATKS) of Texas Air National Guard (TX ANG) of the United States Air Force in Ellington Field Joint Reserve Base in 2020.
General Dynamics F-16AM "Fighting Falcon" - 2th Wing - Special marking "Service Over 40 Years & Flying to the Future"

Décoration spéciale appliquée sur un General Dynamics F-16AM "Fighting Falcon" du 2th Wing de la Composante Air Belge (Luchtcomponent) basé à Florennes AB avec marquage spécial "Dark Falcon Vador" 40 ans de service du F-16 et le passage au F-35 futur pour le solo display 2020.
Special decoration applied to a General Dynamics F-16AM "Fighting Falcon" of 2th Wing of the Belgian Air Component based (Luchtcomponent) in Florennes AB with a special marking "Dark Falcon Vador" 40 years of F-16 service and the switch to the future F-35 for the 2020 solo display.
General Dynamics F-16C "Fighting Falcon" - 57th Wing (57 WG) - Air Demonstration Squadron "Thunderbirds" - Air Force Academy Graduation 2020 logo

Décoration spéciale "AF Class 2020" et "AF Salute Colorado" appliquée sur un General Dynamics F-16C "Fighting Falcon" du 57th Wing (57 WG) - Air Demonstration Squadron "Thunderbirds" de l'US Air Force (USAF) basé à Nellis Air Force Base, Southern Nevada pour la remise des diplômes de l'Air Force Academy 2020 et salue les travailleurs de la santé du Colorado.
Special decoration "AF Class 2020" et "AF Salute Colorado" applied to a General Dynamics F-16C "Fighting Falcon" of the 57th Wing (57 WG) - Air Demonstration Squadron "Thunderbirds" of the US Air Force (USAF) based in Nellis Air Force Base, Southern Nevada for the Air Force Academy Graduation 2020 and salute to the healthcare workers of Colorado.
General Dynamics F-16 Block 30K "Fighting Falcon" - 482th Fighter Wing - 93rd Fighter Squadron "Makos" - 10th Air Force logo (1948/2020)

Décoration spéciale appliquée sur un General Dynamics F-16 Block 30K "Fighting Falcon" du 482th Fighter Wing (482FW) - 93rd Fighter Squadron (93FS) "Makos" de l' US Air Force (USAF) basé à Homestead ARB, Florida avec le logo de la 10° Air Force (1948/2020) sur l'avion du Commandant.
Special decoration applied to General Dynamics F-16 Block 30K "Fighting Falcon" of the 482th Fighter Wing (482FW) - 93rd Fighter Squadron (93FS) "Makos" of US Air Force (USAF) based to Homestead ARB, Florida with the logo of the 10th Air Force (1948/2020) on the Boss bird.
Mitsubishi F-4EJ Kaï "Phantom II" - 7 Kokudan - 301 Hikotaï - Special marking "Phantom for ever" retirement 2020

Décoration spéciale appliquée sur un Mitsubishi F-4EJ Kaï "Phantom II" du 7 Kokudan - 301 Hikotaï de la Force Aérienne d'Auto-Défense Japonaise (Japan Air Self-Defense Force - JASDF) basé à Hyakuri AB et portant un marquage spécial "Phantom for ever" pour le retirement du Phantom en 2020.
Special decoration applied to a Mitsubishi F-4EJ Kaï "Phantom II" of 7 Kokudan - 301 Hikotaï of the Japan Air Self-Defense Force (JASDF) based in HyakuriAB and bearing a special mark special marking "Phantom for ever" for the Phantom retirement in 2020.
General Dynamics F-16BM-MLU "Fighting Falcon" - 132 Luftving - 331 skavdron "Lion" - 40 years Falcon service
Décoration spéciale appliquée sur un General Dynamics F-16BM-MLU "Fighting Falcon" du 132 Luftving - 331 skavdron "Lion" de la Force Aérienne Royale Norvégienne (RNoAF) basé à Bodø Main Air Station pour les 40 ans de service du "Falcon" en 2020 .
Special decoration applied to a General Dynamics F-16A-MLU "Fighting Falcon" of the 132 Luftving - 331 skavdron "Lion" of Royal Norwegian Air Force (RNoAF) based in Bodø Main Air Station for 40 years Falcon service in 2020.
General Dynamics F-16C "Fighting Falcon" - 57th Wing (57 WG) - Air Demonstration Squadron "Thunderbirds" - #VegasGoesBlue

Décoration spéciale appliquée sur un General Dynamics F-16C "Fighting Falcon" du 57th Wing (57 WG) - Air Demonstration Squadron "Thunderbirds" de l'US Air Force (USAF) basé à Nellis Air Force Base, Southern Nevada pour l'encerclement de Las Vegas pour saluer les travailleurs de la santé et les premiers intervenants du COVID19 - 11 avril 2020
Special decoration applied to a General Dynamics F-16C "Fighting Falcon" of the 57th Wing (57 WG) - Air Demonstration Squadron "Thunderbirds" of the US Air Force (USAF) based in Holloman Air Force Base for circled Las Vegas to salute Health Care workers and First Responders - April 11, 2020.