special marking
General Dynamics F-16C-30-CF "Fighting Falcon" - 301th Fighter Wing (301 FW) - 457th Fighter Squadron (457 FS) - 75 years (1944/2019)
Décoration spéciale appliquée sur un General Dynamics F-16C-30-CF "Fighting Falcon" du 301th Fighter Wing (301 FW) - 457th Fighter Squadron (457 FS) de l'US Air Force (USAF) basé à Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth pour les 75 ans (1944/2019) du 457th FS.
Special decoration applied to a General Dynamics F-16C-30-CF "Fighting Falcon" of the 301th Fighter Wing (301 FW) - 457th Fighter Squadron (457 FS) of the US Air Force (USAF) based in Naval Air Station Joint Reserve Base Fort Worth for the 75 years (1944/2019) oh 457th FS.
Beechcraft T-6 "Texan II" - 12th Flying Training Wing - 39th Flying Training Squadron (39 FTS) - Heritage P-51 Mustang flown during WW2 by Capt. Leroy Grosshuesch
Décoration spéciale appliquée sur un Beechcraft T-6 "Texan II" du 12th Flying Training Wing (12 TFW) - Air Education and Training Command (AETC) - 340th Flying Training Group (340 FTG) - 39th Flying Training Squadron (39 FTS) de l'US Air Force (USAF) basé à Randolph Air Force Base, Texas avec marquage spécial repeint pour correspondre au schéma du P-51 Mustang piloté pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale par le capitaine Leroy Grosshuesch. Grosshuesch qui était le commandant du 39e Escadron de chasse alors désigné lorsqu'il a coulé un destroyer japonais au large de Goto Retto près de Kyushu, au Japon, le 30 juillet 1945
Special decoration applied to a Beechcraft "T-6 Texan II" of the 12th Flying Training Wing (12 TFW) - Air Education and Training Command (AETC) - 340th Flying Training Group (340 FTG) - 9th Flying Training Squadron (39 FTS) of the US Air Force (USAF) based in Randolph Air Force Base, Texas with a special marking repainted to match the scheme of the P-51 Mustang flown during WW2 by Capt. Leroy Grosshuesch. Grosshuesch was commander of the then-designated 39th Fighter Squadron when he sank a Japanese destroyer off Goto Retto near Kyushu, Japan on Jul. 30, 1945.
Raython T-1A "Jayhawk" - 12th Flying Training Wing (12 FTW) - 99th Flying Training Squadron (99 FTS) - Honor Red Tails "Tuskegee Airmen"
Décoration spéciale "Heritage" appliquée sur un Raython T-1A "Jayhawk" du 12th Flying Training Wing (12 FTW) - 99th Flying Training Squadron (99 FTS) de l'Armée de l'Air des Etats-Unis (USAF) basé à Randolh Air Force Base et portant un marquage spécial en l'honneur du North American P-51C Mustang des "Tuskegee Airmen", connu sous le nom de "Red Tails", dont le 99 FTS a hérité de la lignée.
Special decoration "Heritage" applied to a Raython T-1A "Jayhawk" of 12th Flying Training Wing (12 FTW) - 99th Flying Training Squadron (99 FTS) of the United States Air Force (USAF) based in Randolh Air Force Base and bearing a special painted the tails of their aircraft red in honor of the North American P-51C Mustang "Tuskegee Airmen" of World War II fame, known as the "Red Tails," whose lineage the 99 FTS inherited.
Cessna T-51A - 557th Flying Training Squadron - Honor the heritage of the Tuskegee Airmen
Décoration spéciale appliquée sur un Cessna T-51A du 12th Flying Training Wing (12 FTW) - 306th Flying Training Group (306 FTG) - 557th Flying Training Squadron (557 FTS) de l' United States Air Force Academy, (USAFA), Colorado de l'Armée de l'Air des Etats-Unis (USAF) et portant un marquage spécial pour honorer l'héritage des Tuskegee Airmen et du général Benjamin O. Davis Jr. Davis a commandé le 332e groupe de chasse et les Tuskegee Airmen pendant la Seconde Guerre mondiale.
Special decoration "Screaming Banshees" applied to a Cessna T-51A of 12th Flying Training Wing (12 FTW) - 306th Flying Training Group (306 FTG) - 557th Flying Training Squadron (557 FTS) de l'United States Air Force Academy, (USAFA), Colorado of the United States Air Force (USAF) and bearing a special mark to honor the heritage of the Tuskegee Airmen and Gen. Benjamin O. Davis Jr. Davis commanded the 332nd Fighter Group and the Tuskegee Airmen during WWII.
McDonnell Douglas CF-188 "Hornet" - 3e Escadre Bagotville /3 Wing - 433e Escadron d'appui tactique "Porcupine" (433 ETAC) - Ad Asra sheme
Décoration spéciale appliquée sur un McDonnell Douglas CF-188 "Hornet" du 3e Escadre Bagotville /3 Wing - 433e Escadron d'appui tactique "Porcupine" (433 ETAC) de l' Aviation royale canadienne (RCAF) basé à CFB Bagotville, Quebec avec une décoration spéciale "Ad Astra".
Special decoration applied to McDonnell Douglas CF-188 "Hornet" of 3 Wing - 433 Tactical Squadron "Porcupine" (433 ETAC) of Royal Canadian Air Force (RCAF) based in CFB Bagotville,Quebec with a special decoration "Ad Astra".
Lockheed Martin F-35A-3I "Lightning II" - 132 Luftving - 332 skavdron (RNoAF) - Special marking "Thor 2"
Décoration spéciale appliquée sur un Lockheed Martin F-35A-3I "Lightning II" du 132 Luftving - 332 skavdron (332skv) de la Force Aérienne Royale Norvégienne (RNoAF) basé à Ørland Main Air Station et en détachement au 62th Fighter Squadron (62 FS) - 56th Operations Group à Luke AFB (USA) avec un marquage spécial "Thor 2" dans la dérive en 2020 .
Special decoration applied to a Lockheed Martin F-35A-3I "Lightning II" of the 132 Luftving - 332 skavdron (332skv) of Royal Norwegian Air Force (RNoAF) based in Ørland Main Air Station and on detachement to the 62th Fighter Squadron (62 FS) - 56th Operations Group at Luke AFB (USA) with a special "Thor 2" marking in the tail in 2020
Raython T-6A "Texan II" - 80th Flying Training Wing (80FTW) - 89th Flying Training Squadron (89 FTS) - Euro-NATO joint jet pilot training (ENJJPT) - FAIP (First Assignment Instructor Pilot) Digital sheme 2020
Décoration spéciale appliquée sur un Raython T-6A "Texan II" du 80th Flying Training Wing (80FTW) - 89th Flying Training Squadron (89 FTS) - Euro-NATO joint jet pilot training (ENJJPT) de l'Armée de l'Air des Etats-Unis (USAF) basé à Sheppard Air Force Base, Texas et portant un marquage spécial pour le nouveau shéma du FAIP (First Assignment Instructor Pilot) en 2020.
Special decoration "Screaming Banshees" applied to a Raython T-6A "Texan II" of 80th Flying Training Wing (80FTW) - 89th Flying Training Squadron (89 FTS) - Euro-NATO joint jet pilot training (ENJJPT) of the United States Air Force (USAF) based in Sheppard Air Force Base, Texas and bearing a special mark for the FAIP (First Assignment Instructor Pilot) in 2020
General Dynamics F-16AM "Fighting Falcon" - 10th Wing Luchtcomponent - 45 years of Multi National Fighter Program (MNFP)
Décoration spéciale appliquée sur un General Dynamics F-16AM "Fighting Falcon" du 10th Wing de la Composante Air Belge (Luchtcomponent) basé à Kleine Brogel AB avec marquage spécial pour les 45 ans du programme de chasseurs multinationaux (MNFP) comprenant les États-Unis, la Belgique, la Hollande, le Danemark et la Norvège en 2020. (Photo by FAP - Finn Aviation Photography)
Special decoration applied to a General Dynamics F-16AM "Fighting Falcon" of 10th Wing of the Belgian Air Component based (Luchtcomponent) in Kleine Brogel AB with a special marking for the 45 years of Multi National Fighter Program (MNFP) including the United States, Belgium, Holland, Denmark and Norway in 2020. (Photo by FAP - Finn Aviation Photography)
Boeing KC-135R "Stratotanker" - 168th Air Refueling Wing (168 ARW) - 168th Air Refueling Squadron (168 ARS) - Alaska Air National Guard - New tail 2020
Décoration spéciale appliquée sur un Boeing KC-135R "Stratotanker" du 168th Air Refueling Wing (168 ARW) - 168th Air Refueling Squadron (168 ARS) du Alaska Air National Guard (AK ANG) de l' US Air National Guard (USNG) basé à Eielson AFB avec une ours polaire sur la dérive de queue représentant la région arctique et l'esprit de l'Alaska. Le dessin géométrique de l’ours polaire met en valeur la culture de l’innovation de l’Air Force. La 168e Escadre continue d'entretenir des liens étroits avec les communautés locales de l'intérieur de l'Alaska en tant que "ville natale de l'Air Force" en 2020.
Special decoration applied to Boeing KC-135R "Stratotanker" of the 168th Air Refueling Wing (168 ARW) - 168th Air Refueling Squadron (168 ARS) of the Alaska Air National Guard (AK ANG) of US Air National Guard (USNG) based to Eielson AFB with a polar bear stands strong on the wing’s tail flash representing the arctic region and spirit of Alaska. The geometric design of the polar bear highlights the wing’s culture of innovation. The 168th Wing continues to have strong ties to local communities in interior Alaska as the “hometown Air Force” in 2020
General Dynamics F-16CM-50-CF "Fighting Falcon" - 20th Fighter Wing (20 FW) - 77th Fighter Squadron (77FS) "Gamblers" - Memorial gathering for 1st Lt. David Schmitz
Décoration spéciale appliquée sur un General Dynamics F-16CM-50-CF "Fighting Falcon" du 20th Fighter Wing (20 FW) - 77th Fighter Squadron (77FS) "Gamblers" de l'US Air Force (USAF) basé à Shaw Air Force Base - South Carolina pour le rassemblement commémoratif pour le 1er lieutenant David Schmitz, le 77e pilote qui est malheureusement mort dans l'accident du F-16 en 2020.
Special decoration applied to a General Dynamics F-16CM-50-CF "Fighting Falcon" of the 20th Fighter Wing (20 FW) - - 77th Fighter Squadron (77FS) "Gamblers" of the US Air Force (USAF) based in Shaw Air Force Base - South Carolina for the memorial gathering for 1st Lt. David Schmitz, the 77th pilot who sadly died in the F-16 crash earlier this year 2020.