Syhart Decals - Dassault Rafale C (4-GJ) - 4e escadre de chasse - Escadron de transformation Rafale 3/4 Aquitaine - 100 years SPA 160 "Diable Rouge"
La société Syhart Decal a édité une planche de decal pour réaliser la décoration spéciale appliquée sur un Dassault Rafale C (4-GJ) de la 4e escadre de chasse - Escadron de transformation Rafale 3/4 Aquitaine de l'Armée de l'Air (AA) basé à la base aérienne 113 de Saint-Dizier-Robinson pour le centenaire de l'escadrille SPA160 "Diable rouge", créé en 1918.
The Syhart Decal society edited a decal sheet to accomplish the special marking applied to a Dassault Dassault Rafale C (4-GJ) of the 4th fighter squadron - Rafale 3/4 Aquitaine transformation squadron of the French Air Force (FAA) based at Saint-Dizier-Robinson air base 113 for the centenary of the SPA160 "Diable rouge" squadron , created in 1918.
Northrop T-38C-55-NO "Talon" - USAF Test Pilot School - 445th Flight Test Squadron - Special logo
Décoration spéciale appliquée sur un Northrop T-38C-55-NO "Talon" du USAF Test Pilot School (USAF TPS) - 412th Test Wing (412 TW) - 445th Flight Test Squadron (445 FTS) de l'Armée de l'Air des Etats-Unis (USAF) basé à Edwards Air Force Base (AFB) et arborant les logo du TPS et du 445th Fighter-Interceptor Squadron pour les derniers vols sur T-38 en 2015 .
Special decoration applied to a Northrop T-38C-55-NO "Talon" of USAF Test Pilot School (USAF TPS) - 412th Test Wing (412 TW) - 445th Flight Test Squadron (445 FTS) of the United States Air Force (USAF) based in Edwards Air Force Base and bearing the logos of the TPS and the 445th Fighter-Interceptor Squadron for the last flights on T-38 in 2015.
Boeing/Bell MV-22 "Osprey" - Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 262 (VMM-262) "Flying Tigers" - CAG bird 2022
Décoration spéciale appliquée sur un Boeing/Bell MV-22 "Osprey" du Marine Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 262 (VMM-262) "Flying Tigers" du Marine Aircraft Group 36 (MAG-36) - 1st Marine Aircraft Wing (1rd MAW) de l' US Marine Corps et basé à la Marine Corps Air Station Futenma, Japan avec un marquage spécial pour l'avion du CAG 2022.
Special marking applied to a Boeing/Bell MV-22 "Osprey" of Medium Tiltrotor Squadron 262 (VMM-262) "Flying Tigers" of the Marine Aircraft Group 36 (MAG-36) - 1st Marine Aircraft Wing (1rd MAW) of the US Marine Corps and based in the Marine Corps Air Station Futenma, Japan with a special marking for CAG bird 2022.
Sikorsky MH-60R "Seahawk Romeo" - RAN 725 Squadron - Digital sheme
Décoration spéciale appliquée sur un Sikorsky MH-60R "Seahawk Romeo" du 725 Squadron de la Marine royale australienne(RAN) basé à "HMAS Albatross" Naval Air Station (NAS) Nowra avec une décoration spéciale "Digitale".
Special decoration applied to Sikorsky MH-60R "Seahawk Romeo" of 725 Squadron of Royal Australian Navy (RAN) based to "HMAS Albatross" Naval Air Station (NAS) Nowra with a digital special decoration.
Bayraktar TB2 Attack Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (AUAV) - Ukrainian Navy - 10 MABR - Special sheme seabird "Albatros"
Décoration spéciale appliquée sur un Bayraktar TB2 Attack Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (AUAV) du 10 MABR (10e brigade d'aéronavale) - UAV Squadron de la Brigade Ukrainienne de l'aviation maritime basé à Mykolaiv/Kulbakino, marqué de l'image d'un oiseau de mer "Albatros", symbole de l'unité de systèmes sans pilote de la brigade de l'aviation navale.
Special marking applied on a Bayraktar TB2 Attack Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (AUAV) of the 10 MABR (10th Naval Aviation Brigade) - UAV Squadron of the Ukraine Marine Aviation Brigade based in Mykolaiv/Kulbakino, marked with the image of a seabird "Albatros", the symbol of the unmanned systems unit of the naval aviation brigade..
Bayraktar TB2 Attack Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (AUAV) - IlHan Filo - Sharkmouth sheme
Décoration spéciale "Sharkmouth" appliquée sur un Bayraktar TB2 Attack Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (AUAV) du IlHan Filo de l'armée de l'air Turque (Türk Hava Kuvvetleri - Turkish Air Force) basé à Batman AB.
Special marking "Sharkmouth"applied on a Bayraktar TB2 Attack Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (AUAV) of the IlHan Filo of the Türk Hava Kuvvetleri the (Turkish Air Force) based in Batman AB.
Bell UH-1Y "Venom" - Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron 167 (HMLA-167) "Warriors" - Red and Black checkered markings
Décoration spéciale appliquée sur un Bell UH-1Y "Venom" du Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron 167 (HMLA-167) "Warriors" du Marine Aircraft Group 29 (MAG-29) - 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing (2nd MAW) du United States Marine Corps (USMC) basé à Marine Corps Air Station New River avec un marquage a damier rouge et noir sur le nez et la dérive.
Special Decoration on a Bell UH-1Y "Venom" of the Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron 167 (HMLA-167) "Warriors" of the Marine Aircraft Group 29 (MAG-29) - 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing (2nd MAW) from the United States Marine Corps (USMC) based at Marine Corps Base Camp New River with red and black checkered markings on the nose and tail.
Bell AH-1Z "Viper" - Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron 167 (HMLA-167) "Warriors" - "Have Guns Will Travel" logo
Décoration spéciale "Sharkmouth" appliquée sur un Bell AH-1Z "Viper" du Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron 167 (HMLA-167) "Warriors" du Marine Aircraft Group 29 (MAG-29) - 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing (2nd MAW) du United States Marine Corps (USMC) basé à Marine Corps Air Station New River avec un logo spécial "Have Guns Will Travel"
Special Decoration "Sharkmouth" on a Bell AH-1Z "Viper" of the Marine Light Attack Helicopter Squadron 167 (HMLA-167) "Warriors" of the Marine Aircraft Group 29 (MAG-29) - 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing (2nd MAW) from the United States Marine Corps (USMC) based at Marine Corps Base Camp New River with a special "Have Guns Will Travel" logo.
Sikorsky MH-53 "Sea Dragon" - Helicopter Mine Countermeasures Squadron 15 (HM-15) "Blackhawks" - CAG bird 2022
Décoration spéciale appliquée sur un Sikorsky MH-53E "Sea Dragon" du Helicopter Sea Combat Wing - Helicopter Mine Countermeasures Squadron 15 (HM-15) "Blackhawks" de l'US Navy basé à NAS Norfolk et portant un marquage spécial pour le CAG bird 2022.
Special marking applied to a Sikorsky MH-53E "Sea Dragon" of Helicopter Sea Combat Wing - Helicopter Mine Countermeasures Squadron 15 (HM-15) "Blackhawks of US Navy based at NAS Norfolk and bearing a special mark for the CAG bird 2022.
Suchoi Su-22M-4 "Fitter" - 21.Baza Lotnicza (21BLT) - 1. Skrzydło Lotnictwa Taktycznego (1.SLT) - "Spirit of Stefan Stec"
Décoration spéciale appliquée sur Suchoi Su-22M-4 "Fitter" du 21.Baza Lotnicza (21BLT) - 1. Skrzydło Lotnictwa Taktycznego (1.SLT) (Tactical Fighter Wing – 1.SLT) de la Sily Powietrzne Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej (Armée de l'Air Polonaise) basé à Swidwin AB pour le marquage spécial "Esprit de Stefan Stec" (1889/1921). Stefan Stanisław Stec (né le à Lemberg - mort le à Varsovie) est un pilote de chasse polonais et austro-hongrois, as de l'aviation, titulaire de 5 victoires homologuées, l'auteur de la marque d'identification des aéronefs de l'Armée de l'air polonaise, le damier polonais
Special marking applied to Suchoi Su-22M-4 "Fitter" of 21.Baza Lotnicza (21BLT) - 1. Skrzydło Lotnictwa Taktycznego (1.SLT) (Tactical Fighter Wing – 1.SLT) of the Sily powietrzne Rzeczypospolitej Polskiej (Polish Air Force) based in Swidwin AB for the special marking "Spirit of Stefan Stec" (1889/1921). Stefan Stanisław Stec (born November 25, 1889 in Lemberg - died May 11, 1921 in Warsaw) is a Polish and Austro-Hungarian fighter pilot, ace of aviation, holder of 5 approved victories, the author of the mark of identification of Polish Air Force aircraft, Polish checkerboard