Air-Graphics Models (UK) - Various special marking World Air Forces - Part 3
La société Air-Graphics Models (UK) a édité une planche de decal pour réaliser les décorations spéciales suivantes :
McDonnell Douglas AV-8B+ Harrier II - 9 Escuadrilla (Eslla 009) - Air Tatoo 2019 - NAS Rota
Kaman SH-2G Seasprite - 43 Baza Lotnictwa Morskiego w - 10th anniversary - special sheme "Morski smok/Sea Dragon" - NAS Gdynia/Babie Doly
Boeing F-15SG "Strike Eagle" - 366th FW - 428th FS "Bucaneers" - F-15SG Singapore AF Det - Mountain Home AFB (USA) - 10th anniversary of RSAF Peace Carvin V
Lockheed Martin F-35A Lightning II - 32° Stormo "Armando Boetto" - 13° Gruppo - Centenario dei Gruppi Caccia - Amendola AB
Lockheed Martin F-35A Lightning II - 334 squadron TES - Operational Test and Evaluation Phase (OTE) - Koninklijke Luchtmacht (KLU) Det - "70 Years Diana" scheme - Edwards Air Force Base, California
McDonnell Douglas F-18A HUG + - 2 OCU (Operational Conversion Unit) - 75th anniversary - RAAF Williamtown - New South Wales
McDonnell Douglas T-45C "Goshawk" - Training Air Wing 2 (TW-2) - Stars scheme Wing commander plane 2019 - NAS Kingsville
The company Air-Graphics Models (UK) has edited a decal sheet to make the following special decorations :
McDonnell Douglas AV-8B+ Harrier II - 9 Escuadrilla (Eslla 009) - Air Tatoo 2019 - NAS Rota
Kaman SH-2G Seasprite - 43 Baza Lotnictwa Morskiego w - 10th anniversary - special sheme "Morski smok/Sea Dragon" - NAS Gdynia/Babie Doly
Boeing F-15SG "Strike Eagle" - 366th FW - 428th FS "Bucaneers" - F-15SG Singapore AF Det - Mountain Home AFB (USA) - 10th anniversary of RSAF Peace Carvin V
Lockheed Martin F-35A Lightning II - 32° Stormo "Armando Boetto" - 13° Gruppo - Centenario dei Gruppi Caccia - Amendola AB
Lockheed Martin F-35A Lightning II - 334 squadron TES - Operational Test and Evaluation Phase (OTE) - Koninklijke Luchtmacht (KLU) Det - "70 Years Diana" scheme - Edwards Air Force Base, California
McDonnell Douglas F-18A HUG + - 2 OCU (Operational Conversion Unit) - 75th anniversary - RAAF Williamtown - New South Wales
McDonnell Douglas T-45C "Goshawk" - Training Air Wing 2 (TW-2) - Stars scheme Wing commander plane 2019 - NAS Kingsville
General Dynamics F-16AM "Fighting Falcon" - 10th Wing Luchtcomponent - 45 years of Multi National Fighter Program (MNFP)
Décoration spéciale appliquée sur un General Dynamics F-16AM "Fighting Falcon" du 10th Wing de la Composante Air Belge (Luchtcomponent) basé à Kleine Brogel AB avec marquage spécial pour les 45 ans du programme de chasseurs multinationaux (MNFP) comprenant les États-Unis, la Belgique, la Hollande, le Danemark et la Norvège en 2020. (Photo by FAP - Finn Aviation Photography)
Special decoration applied to a General Dynamics F-16AM "Fighting Falcon" of 10th Wing of the Belgian Air Component based (Luchtcomponent) in Kleine Brogel AB with a special marking for the 45 years of Multi National Fighter Program (MNFP) including the United States, Belgium, Holland, Denmark and Norway in 2020. (Photo by FAP - Finn Aviation Photography)
Boeing KC-135R "Stratotanker" - 168th Air Refueling Wing (168 ARW) - 168th Air Refueling Squadron (168 ARS) - Alaska Air National Guard - New tail 2020
Décoration spéciale appliquée sur un Boeing KC-135R "Stratotanker" du 168th Air Refueling Wing (168 ARW) - 168th Air Refueling Squadron (168 ARS) du Alaska Air National Guard (AK ANG) de l' US Air National Guard (USNG) basé à Eielson AFB avec une ours polaire sur la dérive de queue représentant la région arctique et l'esprit de l'Alaska. Le dessin géométrique de l’ours polaire met en valeur la culture de l’innovation de l’Air Force. La 168e Escadre continue d'entretenir des liens étroits avec les communautés locales de l'intérieur de l'Alaska en tant que "ville natale de l'Air Force" en 2020.
Special decoration applied to Boeing KC-135R "Stratotanker" of the 168th Air Refueling Wing (168 ARW) - 168th Air Refueling Squadron (168 ARS) of the Alaska Air National Guard (AK ANG) of US Air National Guard (USNG) based to Eielson AFB with a polar bear stands strong on the wing’s tail flash representing the arctic region and spirit of Alaska. The geometric design of the polar bear highlights the wing’s culture of innovation. The 168th Wing continues to have strong ties to local communities in interior Alaska as the “hometown Air Force” in 2020
General Dynamics F-16CM-50-CF "Fighting Falcon" - 20th Fighter Wing (20 FW) - 77th Fighter Squadron (77FS) "Gamblers" - Memorial gathering for 1st Lt. David Schmitz
Décoration spéciale appliquée sur un General Dynamics F-16CM-50-CF "Fighting Falcon" du 20th Fighter Wing (20 FW) - 77th Fighter Squadron (77FS) "Gamblers" de l'US Air Force (USAF) basé à Shaw Air Force Base - South Carolina pour le rassemblement commémoratif pour le 1er lieutenant David Schmitz, le 77e pilote qui est malheureusement mort dans l'accident du F-16 en 2020.
Special decoration applied to a General Dynamics F-16CM-50-CF "Fighting Falcon" of the 20th Fighter Wing (20 FW) - - 77th Fighter Squadron (77FS) "Gamblers" of the US Air Force (USAF) based in Shaw Air Force Base - South Carolina for the memorial gathering for 1st Lt. David Schmitz, the 77th pilot who sadly died in the F-16 crash earlier this year 2020.
Raython T-1A "Jayhawk" - 14th Flying Training Wing (14 FTW) - 48th Flying Training Squadron (48 FTS) "The Alley Cats" - Heritage sheme
Décoration spéciale "Heritage" appliquée sur un Raython T-1A "TJayhawk" du 14th Flying Training Wing (14 FTW) - 48th Flying Training Squadron (48 FTS) "The Alley Cats" de l'Armée de l'Air des Etats-Unis (USAF) basé à Colombus Air Force Base et portant un marquage spécial pour célébrer les Lockheed P-38 Lightning du 14th Fighter Group (USAAF) - 48th Fighter Squadron qui ont participé aux invasions alliées de la Sicile et de l'Italie et à la poussée de la cinquième armée des États-Unis dans la péninsule italienne. pendant la deuxième guerre mondiale.
Special decoration "Heritage" applied to a Raython T-1A "Jayhawk" of 14th Flying Training Wing (14 FTW) - 48th Flying Training Squadron (48 FTS) "The Alley Cats" of the United States Air Force (USAF) based in Colombus Air Force Base and bearing a special marking to celebrate the Lockheed P-38 Lightning of the 14th Fighter Group (USAAF) - 48th Fighter Squadron heritage P-38 Lightning Group "The Alley Cats" participated in the Allied invasions of Sicily and Italy and the subsequent drive of the United States Fifth Army up the Italian peninsula.
Boeing KC-46 Pegasus du 97th Air Mobility Wing (97 AMW) - 97th Operations Group (97 OG) - 56th Air Refueling Squadron (56ARS) - Special B-17 logo
Décoration spéciale appliquée sur un Boeing KC-46 Pegasus du 97th Air Mobility Wing (97 AMW) - 97th Operations Group (97 OG) - 56th Air Refueling Squadron (56ARS) de l'Armée de l'Air des Etats-Unis (USAF) basé à Altus Air Force Base et portant un logo spécial "Triangle Y" porté par les B-17 du 97e groupe de bombardement en Europe pendant la WWII.
Special decoration applied to a Boeing KC-46 Pegasus du 97th Air Mobility Wing (97 AMW) - 97th Operations Group (97 OG) - 56th Air Refueling Squadron (56ARS) of the United States Air Force (USAF) based in Altus Air Force Base and bearing a special 'Triangle Y' logo worn by the B-17s of the 97th Bombardment Group in Europe during WWII.
Special Hobby - Savoi Marchetti SF260 - Special marking
La société Special Hobby a édité une boite de maquette pour réaliser les décorations spéciales appliquées sur un Savoi Marchetti SF260D/M du 1 Wing - 5e Escadrille "Faucon égyptien" de la composante air Belge basé à Beauvechain AB pour les 250.000 heurs de vol sur SF260D en 2000 et sur un Aermacchi SF260EA/AM du 70° Stormo SVBAE "Giulio Cesare Graziani" - 207° Gruppo/SVBAE de l' Aeronautica Militare basé à Latina "Enrico Comani" AB pour les 80 ans (1976/2009) de l'école de pilotage et des 50000 heures de vol du SF-260EA
The Special Hobby company edited a model box to make the special decorations applied to a Savoi Marchetti SF260D / M of 1 Wing - 5th Squadron "Egyptian Falcon" of the Belgian air component based in Beauvechain AB for 250,000 hours of flight on SF260D in 2000 and on an Aermacchi SF260EA / AM of the 70 ° Stormo SVBAE 'Giulio Cesare Graziani' - 207 ° Gruppo / SVBAE of the Aeronautica Militare based in Latina 'Enrico Comani' AB for the 80 years (1976/2009) of the flight school and the 50,000 hours flight of the SF-260EA
Lockheed Martin F-35B "Lightning II" - Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 212 "Lancers" - Marine Aircraft Group 12 - 1st Marine Aircraft Wing - CO bird 2020
Décoration spéciale appliquée sur un Lockheed Martin F-35B "Lightning II" du Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 212 (VMFA-212) "Lancers" - Marine Aircraft Group 12 (MAG-12) - 1st Marine Aircraft Wing (1st MAW) du Corps des Marines des États-Unis (USMC) basé à Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni, Japan avec une décoration spéciale pour l'avion du Commanding Officer (CO) en 2020.
Special decoration applied to Lockheed Martin F-35 "Lightning II" of Marine Fighter Attack Squadron 212 (VMFA-212) "Lancers" - Marine Aircraft Group 12 (MAG-12) - 1st Marine Aircraft Wing (1st MAW) of the United States Marine Corps (USMC) based in Marine Corps Air Station Iwakuni, Japan with a special decoration for the plane of Commanding Officer (CO) in 2020.
Dassault "Rafale" M - Centre d'Expérimentations Pratiques et de réception de l'Aéronautique Navale (CEPA/10S) - 100 years aircraft carrier landing
Décoration spéciale appliquée sur un Dassault "Rafale" M du Département Chasse du Centre d'Expérimentations Pratiques et de réception de l'Aéronautique Navale (CEPA/10S) (AN) basé à la BAN Hyères avec un marquage spécial "LV Teste - 1920 - Hanriot HD2" pour les 100 ans d'appontage dans l'aéronavale française en 2020.
Special decoration applied to a Dassault 'Rafale' M from Hunting department of Center for Practical Experiments and Reception of French Naval Aviation (CEPA/10S) (FFAM) based at BAN Hyères with a special marking "LV Teste - 1920 - Hanriot HD2" for the 100 years aircraft carrier landing in French naval aviation in 2020.
Dassault Mirage 5 BD (BD09/n° 209) - "Mirage 5 BD09 Restoration Group" - 50 years of the Mirage in the Belgian Component
Décoration spéciale sur un Dassault Mirage 5 BD (BD09/n° 209) du "Mirage 5 BD09 Restoration Group" basé à DronePort, ex Brustem (St-Truiden) AB pour les 50 ans du Mirage dans la Composante Belge en 2020 (Photo by Bruno Berquet - Air-BruBer Photography).
Special marking on a Dassault Mirage 5 BD (BD09/n° 209) of the "Mirage 5 BD09 Restoration Group" based in DronePort, ex Brustem (St-Truiden) AB for the 50 years of the Mirage in the Belgian Component in 2020 (Photo by Bruno Berquet - Air-BruBer Photography).